Thursday, November 26, 2015

Perfectly straight curvy lines

This are moving at a slightly less frenetic pace over the holidays. I've had to take a bit of time off to start making my season pass at the ski hill pay off. Not that I want to do this, but I must. The view from the top is just amazing--just below the far horizon you can see the top thousand feet of Grand Canyon.

And riding up the chair is pretty all right too.

Okay, okay, back to work. We've had to take a bit of time to project the lines of the deck out onto the sloped, curvy sides of the boat so we can install supports. It's a little more complicated than it sounds, but is, in the end, perfectly logical.  Define the plane of the decking with a couple straight-edges; hold another straight-edge up against them, and draw where it hits the wall. My lovely solid-lead ducks come in handy once again to hold things steady.

Even though the deck is a perfectly flat plane, the sloped, curvy walls of the boat contact that plane in a very bizarre fashion. Top pencil line is the sheer line (gunwale) of the boat. The curved line is where the bow hatch will hit the side-wall. The straight line immediately below that shows how much the supports have to deflect from straight in order to meet the deck properly.

It never looks right. Even when it is.

Now it's time to define the hatch lid boundaries, lay in the guttered framing for them, and then make all the decking. Which means we get to spile. Which is really fun.

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