Friday, December 17, 2010

Visiting Edith

Last Thursday Dan and I drove to South Rim to visit the original Edith in her warehouse home. Kind of like a nursing home, where she doesn't get out to socialize, but just sits there on her gurney next to her kin awaiting some eventual fate. We studied, inspected, and analyzed joints, techniques, and placements, photographing as we went. Hopefully a lot of the questions we failed to ask will be answered by details in the photos we took. The most interesting thing I noticed was the details of the lapstrake--normally the end bevels just fade to zero in one sweeping bevel. On the Edith, the end bevels are a stepped angle. Looks pretty difficult to do. They must have had a custom plane to do it, I am thinking.
She's got big sealed tin boxes in either end to keep her afloat when the hull is ruptured. Apparently this worked, as Emery certainly did rupture the hull and still got it to shore. I'd post Kolb's pictures of that, but they are copyrighted. Here's a link, though
Big wreck at Waltenburg
And a few shots of our visit:

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