Although I am sorry to report that our Lodore dory trip is full this year--better luck next year!--I am delighted to relay that Flaming Gorge Dam is full to bursting and we will be running on maximum release--8,600. They say there is so much snow waiting to melt that they will be sending the equivalent of the entire contents of Flaming Gorge Reservoir through Lodore this summer. Woohoo!!!

I can hardly wait.
The good news for prospective boatbuilders is that there is still room in the McKenzie Dory course I am teaching at WoodenBoat School in Maine the first week of July. My main shop helper Janek will be assisting. Here's the write-up. See you there!
The blue boat is one we built in last year's course. Jonathan, who took it home and is rowing it in this picture, pointed out to me that he is wearing a purple dress in the photo.