Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Outwales and inwales

Gunwales--commonly pronounced gunnels--can be either the inner rail at the top of the boat or the outer one. If you want to be more specific, you can call them the inwales or the outwales. But you're not supposed to say innels and outels. Your supposed to say in-wails and out-wails. But I'm an outlaw. It's more fun to say innels and outels. Tonight I cut out and scarfed the inwales and stuck them in the steamer.

While they were cooking I took the outwales off the boat, where they have been clamped for the last week or so, defining boat's fair shape while we rolled and decked her. Then I put out a call on Facebook for anyone who wanted to come help run around with hot inwales and clamp wildly. I offered free beer and everything. Turns out "likes" are not that handy for clamping assistants. Ah well. Meanwhile I took the outwales, which were scarf-cut but not glued yet, and glued them up.

Then me and my imaginary Facebook friends steam-bent the inwales onto the boat.  And drank the beer. 

Actually, it's really pretty easy to steam bend alone. It's just a lot more fun with friends and chaos.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for suffering so quietly . . . glad to see your knees seem to be working.


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